| GB 1847 Stampless Envelope to London M.B. Robertson 1 Env. sent from "Monod Freres & Co. Havre" with Firms cachet on reverse addressed to London, endorsed "Steamer via Southampton" with Southampton datestamp in blue and Boxed M.B in Blue (Robertson 1) and London arrival. Very fine item the Boite Mobile was used on private cross channel steamer for 3 years. |
 | GB Destination Mail 1880 Envelope to Guadalajara Mexico Great Britain Env. bearing Queen Victoria SG153, 4d sage green (2) tied Manchester duplex, sent on the steamer "Cubau" via Panama with "Colon Transit" datestamp and on reverse Acapulco forward cachet in Blue. |
 | Great Britain 1903 Registered postal stationary cover Registered postal stationary envelope 1d red plus 2 1/2d grey/blue upgraded with SG219, 1d scarlet tied by Wandsworth Common datestamp with hand-stamp Registered 2d in violet addressed to France with Laon arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1910 Registered cover to Prague Registered envelope to Prague bearing SG226, 2d green and scarlet and SG241, 4d orange red tied by Herne Hill Nr Rail Station datestamp with registered label. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1876 Illustrated cover London to France Illustrated envelope for 'Carter & Co, Flower Seed Waarehouse' London addressed to France bearing SG43, 1d red (4) tied by London duplex with oval PD and boxed L1 (Late Free) in red with French entry cachet. Very fine and attractive item. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1856 Small blue border cover to France Small blue border envelope to France bearing SG23, 2d blue pair(small crown wmk perf 14) tied by Tunbrige Wells duplex with Calverly undated circle on reverse in blue, routed via London with French entry cachet and arrival in Luc-S-Mer on reverse. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1896 Paquebot Env / Antanarivo Madagascar Cover bearing SG172, 1d lilac and SG198, 1 1/2 d lilac and green tied by Birminham double ring with octagonal French Paquebot "Marseille a La Reunion L.U. No 2" datestamp on reverse. Mail to this French East African island is rare. (pt) |
 | Great Britain Destination Mail 1852 Envelope to Holland Cover bearing SG8, 1d brown imperf tied by 498 numeral with Manchester datestamp on reserve, routed via London with Amsterdam arrival and taxed 60 in m/s. Very fine and rare. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1844 Stampless Cover to Oran North Africa Envelope cancelled by London Paid datestamp with oval PD, French entry cachet and taxed 10 in m/s on arrival with Oran Algeria on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1886 Registered Envelope to France Cover bearing SG172, 1d lilac (2) and SG190, 2 1/2 d lilac tied by registered Glasgow double ring with Waterloo Street cds with oval Registered London transit and Rheims arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1903 Hotel Cover front to France Illustrated Cover front from the "Hotel Tudor Oxford St " addressed to France bearing SG230, 1 1/2 d blue and SG236, 4d green and brown tied by Continental Night Mail double ring with Lille arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1902 Registered Fee Paid PSE to France Postal Stationery Envelope 2d blue / grey upgraded with SG226, 2d green and carmine tied by Baker Street datestamp with oval Registered Fee Paid addressed to France with Isere arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1905 Steamer Picture Postcard to France Picture Postcard written from Bahia, Brazil to France bearing SG219, 1d red tied by oval "The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company / Posted on the High Seas" cachet in violet with octagonal Cherbourg French entry cachet and Loire arrival. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1901 Postal Stationery Card to France PSC 1d red cancelled by hooded "Leadenhall ST E.O./L 1d" datestamp with instructional "Too Late F.B.O.P.O." addressed to France with Tarn arrival. Fine item. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1894 Postal Stationery Card to Paris PSC 1/2 d brown cancelled by London datestamp, addressed to Paris, underpaid with French postage due Yvert 29, 10c brown applied and cover forwarded to the Loire with tax hand-stamp and Yvert 29, 10c brown applied again. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1858 Embossed Envelope to France Cover bearing G27, 2d blue pair (left stamp damaged) large crown wmk, perf 16) tied by Tunbridge Wells duplex with circular PD, routed via London with Calvados arrival on reverse. Rare stamps on cover. Cat £800 on cover. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1876 Cover to TUNIS North Africa Envelope to TUNIS (North Africa) bearing SG152, 4d orange (plate 15) tied by London duplex, sent on French packet via marseille with Tunis arrival on reverse. A scarce stamp on cover. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1858 Hand Illustrated Envelope to Peckham Cover bearing SG40, 1d rose tied by Lewes 451 duplex with London transit on reverse. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1879 Post office Telegraph Form Post Office Telegraph Form written from French Consulate, Yarmouth Norfolk bearing Telegraph SG L202, 1d brown (pair) tied by Dover datestamp. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1917 Military mail cover to France OHMS Military mail envelope to France headed 'On His Majesty's Service' cancelled by Official Paid slogan with military cachet 'Sous Secretariat D'Etat de L'Aeronaunique Militaire R.F./Mission Francaise D'Aeronautique' in green. Very fine and scarce. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1927 Express mail cover to France Express mail envelope to France bearing SG419, 1d red, SG422, 2 1/2d blue and SG426, 6d purple tied by London rubber datestamp with 'Express Delivery' label. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1906 Registered cover to France Franking registered envelope to France bearing SG2223, 1 1/2d purple and green and SG257, 1/-green and carmine tied by Registered Gracechurch ST with boxed 'Late Fee 4d Paid' and handstamp 'late Fee' in red with Paris arrival. Nice franking. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1904 Registered cover to France Registered envelope to France bearing SG215, 1/2d green, SG230, 2 1/2d blue and SG246, 6d purple tied by Registered Threadneddle St with boxed 'Late Fee 2d' in violet. (pt) |
 | British Levant 1904 GB Postal Stationery to Malta Great Britain Postal Stationery card 1/2d green upgraded with SG216, 1/2d blue green tied by Beyrout British Post Office datestamp addressed to Malta with Alexandria transit and Valletta arrival. Nice item. (pt) |
 | ST. HELENA BOAR WAR MAIL 1901 Envelope to France Cover bearing SG35, 1/2d on 6d green and SG47, 1d carmine (pair) tied by cork cancel with adjacent St Helena datestamp with circular "Censor / Prisoner of War" in violet, routed via London and Amiens with transit and Somme arrival on reverse. Very fine. (pt) |
 | ST HELENA BOAR WAR MAIL 1901 Envelope to France Cover bearing SG39, 2d on 6d yellow and SG46, 1/2 green tied by cork cancel with adjacent St Helena datestamp with circular "Censor / Prisoner of War" in violet, routed via London and Amiens with transit and Somme arrival on reverse. Very fine. (pt) |
 | British Levant 1905 Great Britain PSC to London Unusual Postal Stationery Card 1 d red written from Constantinople to London and cancelled "Conspoli- Constanta -Bucuresci" datestamp. Unusual item. (pt) |
 | Great Britain Destination Mail 1875 PSE to Australia Postal Stationery Envelope 1d pink upgraded with SG95, 4d orange plate 14 (pair) tied by Anbleside 13 duplex, routed via Singapore to Australia with Sydney arrival. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain Destination Mail 1874 Handstruck Cover Envelope to Cape of Good Hope bearing SG95, 4d orange tied by Dunstable 266, duplex sent on the steamer "Walnee Castle" with Cape Town and Mowbray arrival and taxed with handstruck 2d in red on arrival. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1884 Cover to Bordeaux bearing Envelope to Bordeaux bearing SG193, 5d deep green tied by London cds with French entry cachet and Bordeaux arrival on reverse. Superb item with deep full colour. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1877 Registered cover to France Registered envelope to France bearing SG47, 2d blue, SG141, 2 1/2d rosy mauve and SG147, 6d grey (perfin Truninger & Co) tied by oval R with Registered Lombard St datestamp with French entry cachet in red and Rouen arrival on reverse. Nice three colour. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1909 Registered Cover to France Envelope bearing SG217, 1/2 d yellow green and SG254, 10d purple and carmine tied by Registered Threadneddle St. with boxed "Late Fee 6d Paid" and Paris arrival on reverse. Nice franking. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1853 Stampless Registered and Charged Env Cover to France cancelled by Paid at Edinburg datestamp with oval PD and handstruck "Registered Edinburgh" in red with m/s accountancy 1/8+11=2/7, routed via London with Crown/Registered and taxed 85 on arrival in Paris with handstamp Charge applied. Very fine cover. (pt) |
 | Porto Rico British Post Office 1867 Stampless Envelope Cover to France cancelled by Porto Rico Paid datestamp in red, charged 1/4 in m/s with oval PD. Routed via London with transit London Paid datestamp, French entry cachet and Rhone receiver on reverse. Superb and rare destination item of early mail from the British Post Office. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1899 Envelope to Switzerland Bern arrival Envelope to Switzerland bearing SG201, 2 1/2d blue tied by West Stockwell datestamp, forwarded on from Geneva bearing Swiss Yvert 72, 25c green tied by Geneva Rue du Stand datestamp with matching registered label and Bern arrival. Nice combination. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1847 Official Envelope to France Cover to France headed "on Her Majesty's Service" and endorsed "Etranger de la Justice" cancelled by London / Crown datestamp with French entry cachet and taxed 5 in m/s on arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1856 Envelope to France Cover bearing SG 63a, 4d carmine (pair) medium garter wmk on glazed white paper tied by London numeral with French entry cachet and Paris. Unpriced in SG for white paper used. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1867 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 94, 4d vermilion and SG 103, 3d rose tied by "Posted Since 7.30 Last Night / E.C." duplex with French entry cachet and Paris arrival. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1869 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 43, 1d rose plate 114 and SG 103, 3d rose tied by London duplex with boxed "L1" in red, French entry cachet and Calais arrival on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1880 Envelope to France Very Fine Stamp Cover bearing SG 141, 2 1/2d lilac plate 17 tied by London duplex with Lille arrival on reverse. Very fine stamp Cat £200 off cover. (pt) |
 | Great Britain Destination Mail 1854 Envelope to India Cover bearing Embossed issue SG 54, 1/- green and SG 57, 10d brown (superb margins) bearing arrival in black. A very fine item. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1876 Envelope to France Very Fine Quality Cover bearing SG 43, 1d red plate 187 (4) tied by London duplex with small boxed L1 in red with Paris arrival on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1870 Mourning Envelope to France Cover bearing SG43, 1d rose plate 122 (4) tied by Torquay 805 duplex with Paris arrival on reverse. Very fine. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1878 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 43, 1d rose plate 197 (4) tied by octagonal London L1 duplex with Paris arrival on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1872 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 47, 2d blue (pair) tied by London duplex with small boxed L1 in red with Paris arrival on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1866 Printed Circular to Karachee Printed Circular bearing SG 45, 2d blue tied by Liverpool 466 duplex, routed via Southampton with arrival on front. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1856 Envelope to France Cover bearing SG 64, 4d carmine (pair) medium garter wmk tied by London numeral with French entry cachet and Paris. Cat £600. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1862 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 45, 2d blue and SG 70, 6d lilac tied by London 12 numeral with French entry cachet and Paris arrival on reverse. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1834 Stampless Envelope to London Cover written from Epernay in France with departure double ring and boxed P.P. charged 2/6 in m/s on arrival erased by Crown and taxed 2/2 in m/s. with arrival on reverse. Unusual item. (pt) |
 | Great Britain 1870 Envelope to France Very Fine Cover bearing SG 47, 2d blue and SG 94, 4d vermilion tied by London duplex with boxed "L2" in red, French entry cachet and Paris arrival. Very fine. (pt) |